It’s a New Beginning
Click here to download the High Roller July 24 PDF
The Exchange Club of Las Vegas has officially replaced the Internet Club. As you are aware, we’ve faced many challenges over the last two years, but we’re finally on the road to ‘redemption’. Though growing the Internet Club proved to be a fruitless endeavor, we have now a great potential to serve what is one of the most dynamic areas in the United States. And look, all of us now have something to do! We’ve appointed (volunteered) José, Dick, and Marilyn to be our initial directors, and hopefully you’ll all agree to work with us by contributing your experience and wisdom as we get things rolling. We are certainly not going to abandon the online aspect of the club, just putting down roots in the city that is perfect for Exchange growth, while allowing all who want to be virtual members the ability to do so. We do plan to re-establish scheduled online meetings very soon. So stick with us and if you have contacts in the Las Vegas area, let them know we’re here and ready to perform.
2024 District Convention
JP, Dave, & Jim attended the 100th California Nevada District Convention in San Bernardino (aren’t you jealous?) on June 29th & 30th. Lots of camaraderie, serious discussions and great speakers including National VP Julie Harman from Michigan and the Fontana Police Chief Michael Dorsey. Congrats to JP who was elected District President-Elect and to Dave who was elected to the District Charitable Foundation Board!
Membership Dues
During our changeover, we have kept the dues low and everyone on board. Now we have to get back on track to cover at a minimum our National and District dues. Effective NOW quarterly dues are $45. All members are current as of June 30th. Please see the accompanying email for more details.
Feeding the Homeless
LVEX Pres. JP serving food to the homeless and representing Exchange. More pictures from this event can be found on our website and Facebook page.
From the President
I am filled with excitement and optimism. New beginnings are a powerful opportunity to reimagine our goals and strengthen our commitment to our shared Exchange vision.
Together, we have the chance to forge fresh paths, inspire innovative ideas, and cultivate connections within a new community. Support our efforts in exciting Las Vegas! Your dedication and passion are the heartbeat of this club, and with each new step, we will grow stronger. Let us embrace this moment with enthusiasm and a renewed sense of purpose. Here’s to new beginnings and the remarkable journey ahead. Thank you for your continued support! Warm regards,
2024-24 California Nevada District Officers and Directors
President Ken Dufour, Newport Harbor
President-Elect Jean-Pierre Fallou, Las Vegas
Imm. Past President R. Dale Evans, Fontana
Secretary Johnny Tai, Pacific Coast
Treasurer Bonita Gibson, San Diego
Chief Operating Officer Ken Owens II, Culver City
District Directors by Division
One: Janell Darby, San Diego. Two: Buzz Chambers, Pacific Coast
Three: Cynthia Strasmann, Newport Harbor Four: Sonja Dawkins, Fontana
Five: Emily Myhre, Central Coast. Six: John Blythe, Kern Valley
Seven: Lisa Stringfellow, Gilroy
Last week at the District Convention Gilroy (CA) Club President
Lisa Stringfellow, JP & Past District President Ed Harvey viewing
our new website (or playing Free Cell).