Exchange Excel Club Program


We are excited about your interest in forming an Exchange Excel Club! The Exchange Excel Club you establish will improve the educational and social outcomes of all individuals involved with the club. This is a model program that impacts the recruitment of quality Exchange Club members, increases public service and encourages community support.

Club activities and member involvement influence lives and change perceptions. In an age where support and involvement in our community and with our youth is critical, discovering the personal fulfillment one can receive from volunteering to help make one’s community a better place to live improves the school environment for all.

As more high schools require community service for graduation, Exchange Excel Clubs provide these opportunities and expand horizons. Students involved with peer programs improve their grades as they work with others and share experiences which will influence their future careers and interests.

Organizing an Exchange Excel Club can accomplish many goals. It will take extra work, but there are many rewards. The energy you spend putting the club together enhances the image and reputation of Exchange, your community and the students. Review this guide. Dream a little, and then take the first step. Everybody needs a hero to follow — encourage a few students to follow in your footsteps.

Exchanging ideas

Xciting Opportunities

Community Involvement



Want to learn more about EXCEL?   Click here to send us a message

Unable to be a volunteer or become a member, please consider a donation to help us establish these Excel Clubs here in the Las Vegas Valley.

Why have an Excel or Junior Excel Club here in the Las Vegas Valley?

To provide students with:
• Leadership opportunities
• Team building and teamwork skills
• The intrinsic rewards of community service
• Volunteerism options
• Scholarship opportunities available from local, district, and National Exchange Clubs
• Networking training
• The ability to fulfill school service hour requirements
• A variety of experiences to submit well-rounded college applications
• Training and mentoring opportunities available from local, district, and National Exchange Clubs
• The experience of setting goals and the steps to successful completion
• Improved communication skills and the ability to identify ways to better communicate
• Increased self-esteem, a sense of belonging, and a higher propensity for success
• A fun, safe, and constructive extracurricular activity

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