Community Builder Sponsor


Our Exchange Club of Las Vegas provides local businesses with an opportunity to support our mission through the “Corporate Sponsors” program.

  • Recognition as a Community Builder Sponsor in publicity and at the Las Vegas Stars of Distinction page.
  • Your company link on our Las Vegas Stars of Distinction page.
  • Includes sponsorship of up to 5 flags to be dedicated to honorees of your choice from our community.

About Exchange

Founded on March 27, 1911, in Detroit, MI, the organization is headquartered in Toledo, OH, and employs a staff dedicated to helping members and clubs achieve their goals. The local-level clubs, Exchange Club districts, and National Headquarters support three Programs of Service – Americanism, Community Service, and Youth Programs – as well as Exchange’s National Project, the prevention of child abuse. These Programs of Service serve as categories to help clubs organize the activities that benefit their communities.

Americanism – This Program of Service promotes pride in our country, appreciation of the freedoms granted to American citizens, and gratitude to the men and women who serve/have served in the Armed Forces. Americanism celebrates the country’s rich, unique heritage and inspires unity from coast to coast.

Community Service – Community service is the lifeline of Exchange, with local-level clubs devoting countless hours and dollars to serving their neighbors every year. Community Service is the Program of Service that allows clubs to identify opportunities within their communities and offer assistance to fill gaps in services. Since the first group of Exchange Club members convened, Exchange has set the bar high for community service involvement!

Youth Programs – America’s young people are its most precious resource. For many years, Exchange Clubs and National Headquarters have sponsored an impressive selection of activities designed to benefit and encourage our nation’s youth. Through college scholarships, mentoring and guidance, and service recognition, Exchange is making a difference to America’s youngest generations.

National Project– The prevention of child abuse became Exchange’s National Project in 1979. To uphold its National Project, Exchange provides a variety of public awareness materials designed to help inform and increase awareness about child abuse and how it can be prevented. Such projects are implemented through Exchange Clubs and Exchange Club Child Abuse Prevention Centers across the country. Through the scholarly-reviewed Exchange Parent Aide home visitation model, child abuse prevention experts work directly with at-risk families.

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